Children’s dentistry
We invite you to visit the iSmile dental clinic, to experience our services of children’s dentistry in Iași. By reading the details below, you will discover essential information about the first visit to the dentist, dental hygiene for children, and recommended treatments during this stage of life.
Healthy habits of oral hygiene are transmitted to children by their parents and close family members, in the early years of life. Among these habits, a first visit to the dentist should be included, which usually takes place around the age of 2-3 years old.
Good to know! Some of the advantages of a first visit to the dentist when the child is around the age of 2-3 years old, are:
- checking the child’s dental condition;
- building a trusting relationship with the dentist;
- familiarising the child with the atmosphere of a dental clinic, and
- reducing the risk of turning dental visits into a traumatic experience.
Regular check-ups should be complemented by a proper oral hygiene routine, introduced since the appearance of the first baby teeth.

Children’s nutrition: decisive for their oral health
Sugar consumption is considered to be the main contributing factor to the development of dental caries. It favours the formation of dental plaque and increases acidity in the oral cavity. To combat the development of this process, we recommend the following:
- shape your child’s diet towards unprocessed foods, especially by feeding them raw fruits and vegetables;
- ensure regular professional cleanings performed by a dentist.
Enhancing the resistance of dental tissues, particularly enamel, involves the process of mineralisation, which is closely linked to the intake of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, during the teeth development period.
Children’s dentistry in Iași: small interventions for a big smile 🙂
Fluoridation plays an important role in preventing the occurrence of cavities in children’s teeth and reducing the progression of existing ones.
Sealing the grooves and pits of teeth with composite materials is another method of preventing the occurrence of cavities and is recommended after the age of 6 years old, starting with the eruption of molars, specific to this age.
Is it time for your little one to visit the dentist? The specialists at iSmile are eager to meet them and provide quality services of children’s dentistry in Iași. You can schedule an appointment, HERE.